
Monday, January 16, 2012

#ALMBisyosa Series: Saturday Night out with My Buddies:)

Since I started my #ALMbisyosa series in my blog, I promised myself that I will feature my best Buddies too, my great buddies since GRADESCHOOL (!)
Note: Gladys and Bhing not included in the post:(

Last Saturday, we went to Distillery The Fort and we had so much fun. Here ya go, now it's for you to judge who the hottest bud is:)

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 1:  Analiza B. Johnson (still single) hahahahahahaha!

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 2:  Zarai Manalad (forever Single....may angal?)

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 3:  Abbey Berroya (no comment!)

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 4:  Zita Garganera (loves to SURF!)

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 5:  Apple Cristobal (single BUT taken by Joel Cala - My kuya;)

#ALMbisyosa buddy no. 6:  Yours truly - Alma Cala-Buenviaje (not literally Single...hahahahahahaha!)

Cheeers!!!!!!!!! party and drink more!!!

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