
Saturday, January 7, 2012

What is #ALMbisyosa?

I know a lot of you who have been following my posts, and asking what #ALMbisyosa series is. I promised my good friend and officemate - Shell Simbulan AKA #SHELLicious that I'll define this term.

#ALMbisyosa was inspired from the word ANNEbisyosa and the word was coined by my very good friend - Sara Masakayan-Alvarez. Yours truly first heard of ANNEbisyosa when Anne Curtis herself was promoting her album and concert. I was also inspired to have many twitter followers like Anne Curtis Smith (@annecurstissmith) who has 2 Million followers in Twitter – Phenomenal!

Since then, yours truly would always use the word #ALMbisyosa in my tweets and posts.

What does #ALMbisyosa mean?

#ALMbisyosa – from the word AMBITIOUS means the ff:

1. ambitious to be rich
2. ambitious to be fashionable
3. ambitious to be iconic
4. ambitious to be excellent
5. ambitious to be different and unique

Because of my #ALMbisyosa series in my blog (ALL ABOUT LIFE – , which used to feature my daily officeday look – my officemates volunteered to be included in my post. I somehow inspired them to be fashionable or dress with character everyday – YES, Everyday…

#ALMbisyosa aims to encourage POWER dressing and the rest follows. A lot of of people get tired of working (yes- I’m talking about whiners) –but it you start your day in looking fabulous, it will totally change your aura in doing your job – excellently. See, if you look fabulous everyday, you will feel and act fabulously.

Super thanks to #Shellicious for creating the logo of #ALMbisyosa

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